

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another new pair.. another sore heel

On the weekend, I exchanged the shoes that gave me heel pain for a different pair of shoes. Tonight I tried out the new shoes on a treadmill. Pain. I tried to suck it up thinking that maybe, just maybe, it was “new shoe” pain and not “bad shoe for me” pain. I ended up having to switch shoes half-way through my run (I brought 2 pairs to the gym just in case). I guess Reeboks just don’t fit my feet right. It’s too bad, too, because I liked the shoes in all other aspects.

Today’s Run:
Distance: 9.75 km
Weather: n/a – I was indoors


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Heel pain can be tough, and heel pain treatment in Singapore can be expensive. But after the treatment, you will feel that it is worth it.
