

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Over the past few days, I’ve seen a lot of comments in the ENDURrunners group on Facebook about PES or Post ENDURrun Syndrome (coined by Bob Jackman).

It appears that many people are suffering from PES this year and have taken to social media to get at least a small fix of the camaraderie that is part of the ENDURrun. There are stories being swapped, “thank you”s being said, and photos shared, along with general comments of missing the event or feeling as though something is missing this week.

This event is so unique in that the contenders, even though they are competitors, become close and genuinely do become friends. The encouragement throughout the week between runners and from volunteers is phenomenal. Everyone truly wants the best of everyone else.

As was also mentioned at the beginning of ENDURweek, the ENDURrun is like summer camp for runners. And now that we’re all back at home (even if home is not far away), we’re missing camp and the friends that we’ve made.