I set my alarm for 6:15am. It went off, I got out of bed, put my Garmin in the window to find satellites and then made the mistake of lying back down on the bed. When I looked at the time again, it was almost 7. Oops. So… my planned 10 km run turned into 3.5 km. At least I still got out for a bit.

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
A short race and a long run
On Saturday morning, I ran the AHS Fun Run at the University of Waterloo. This 5K race was free and included food and a t-shirt. What more could you ask for? It was odd weather that morning, kind of cold, but then when the sun came out, it was fairly warm. I did not have my best race at all, but that’s okay. My legs did not want to move that morning… they were still tired from hill training on Thursday night. It was still fun, though.
Tonight, after work, I headed out for a long run. As luck would have it, it was raining. It rained the entire time. I was nice and soaked by the time I got home.
Today’s Run:
Distance: 18 km
Weather: 13 C, rain
Friday, September 24, 2010
Last Night: Hills
I forgot to post after getting home from the Runners’ Choice group last night because I had to shower, eat, and head out to a friend’s house to watch Grey’s… so.. I’ll post now.
It was a hill training night out at Columbia Lake. It was a tough and rewarding workout. It felt very good and the rain stayed away as well.
We’re now 1 month out from my next half marathon. I need to kick myself into gear a bit more for this last stretch as I’ve been slacking a wee bit this month. This week’s been decent though.. Back on track… yep… back on track.
Yesterday’s Run:
Total distance covered in the hill training: 12 km
Weather: humid, 20-something C
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I got distracted
I got up this morning at 6:30 with plans of running 8km before work. I went into the living room, put my Garmin in the window to find satellite reception, went onto the computer to check the weather, but found that Ryan had started a blog post our Shoot the Thrill Photography blog, but that it wasn’t published yet. He had asked me to write the blog post yesterday, but I forgot to do it, so I went through what he wrote, changed it slightly, added some links and published the post. Then I looked at the time and it was 6:57. Oops. So… my run was shortened. But then again, a short run is better than no run at all.
Today’s Run:
Distance: 4 km
Weather: 17 C, cloudy
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Today’s Run
Today I ran past the bread factory and got hungry, but then a car with a really smelly exhaust drove by, so that cured the hunger problem on a few couple km into my run.
Distance: 10 km
Weather: 11 C
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Quick run before work
I got up at 6am this morning, but didn’t actually get outside until 6:30, so it was a shorter run for me this morning. Tomorrow is a hill day, so I guess it’s good that I saved some energy for tomorrow.
Today’s Run:
Distance: 5.5 km
Weather: 5 C
Friday, September 10, 2010
Another week in Running
This time I have an excuse for not posting. Ryan and I were up on Oxtongue Lake from Friday to Tuesday, so there was no posting of any kind while there.
While we were up there, I did some trail running on some very hilly and wet trails, we did some kayaking a couple of days, and also did some hiking in Algonquin Park. It was cold and rainy, but was still a good time away from KW.
Last night I ran the inaugural Mudpuppy Twilight Trail Run, which is an 8km race finishing at Moose Winooski’s at Sportsworld Crossing. There were some glitches that they are planning to change for next year, but it was still enjoyable. There were really just 2 things that were frustrating. 1st, the gates for the trail were not opened up, so there were several bottleneck situations in the first km. 2nd, about 500m from the finish, there was a stop light that we actually had to stop and wait for. This made it so that even if you were ahead of someone for the entire race, they could catch up to you at this light (waited for a few minutes to cross) and basically had a sprint to the finish in groups of people. For me, this meant that a girl in my age group stopped at the light after me, got in front of me while crossing the street and then I had to attempt to pass her over the next few hundred meters. I ended up finishing in the exact same time as her. I tried so hard to pass, but it just didn’t quite happen.